How to Hack Manhattan
The Space
See Facilities for deets about garbage collection, utilities, etc
We take donations and also sell stuff sometimes.
We have a donations lockbox at the front of the space. If you sell something (merch, class fees), put the funds received in a cash envelope (available in the stationary drawer) and write what was sold on the outside so it can be properly accounted for, before dropping it in the lockbox.
For donations there are a number of payment QR codes on the door as well as a page on our website. We shouuulld have dedicated payment links for each of the things we sell (for accounting)—talk to the treasurer about making new ones.
The Stuff
--insert some sort of attempt at an inventory + guide here--
Events should follow the space use policy. You can check the calendar for any known scheduling conflicts.
It's good to promote events! Talk about them on Discord (many other NYC maker-type spaces allow crossposting too). Make a post on our social accounts (get help in #social-media-admin). Many people find our stuff on Meetup, but it seems to favor events that already have people attending, so go ahead and just sign your friends up. Find an appropriate event mailing list.
Open House
There are some suggestions for how to help host visitors.
We love having classes!
Any member can run a class (non-members can too but they need a member to be there as space host). Schedule them like any other event. If you want people to find about your class and/or pay for it, you should put it on our Meetup. Make a Meetup account, and then ask someone to give you the Event Host role. Then you can create an event, manage signups, and communicate with attendees.
The default class fee split (after costs) is 50/50 teacher/hack manhattan, but it might be negotiable. Usually, Hack doesn't collect their part of the fee for members, so most classes are ~half-off for members. Some teachers also decide to discount their part of the fee for members too. If you collect fees in cash, follow usual procedure and also send an accounting of them to so that the teacher share can be paid out in a timely manner.
You might decide to cap the number of attendees, that can be set in Meetup. We don't have an official maximum capacity for the space, but 25 guests has been proposed before.
The Membership
We have monthly meetings on the last Wednesday of the month that are run according to MIBS Rules
The Board
Things the Board Must Do
Annual Member Meeting
- schedule the meeting in January or February
- with proper notice (10–50 days prior).
- to hold board elections
Nonprofit Filings
Web presence
We are present on a number of social platforms.
Our website is hosted on GitHub.