Meeting 2024-10-30
From Hack Manhattan Wiki
Consensus Agenda
No items in consensus agenda
New Business
- Hannah: Proposal to purchase a new 3d-printer, a Bambu A1 Combo priced at $449 (on sale currently from $559). This printer has multimaterial support, faster printing, and better accuracy than our current printers.
- Nick: Proposal to purchase a DMC2 Mini Kit, a metal CNC. The device costs $2500 and is delivered as parts, requiring assembly.
Sponsored Members Induction
Welcome Grant, James, and Akash!!
Member Reports
Board Reports
President's Report
- No report.
Treasurer's Report
- No report.
Secretary's Report
- No report.
Directors-at-Large's Report
- No report.
Member and Project Reports
Meeting Meta
- Members in Attendance: member1, member2 | latemember1
- Visitors: visitor1, visitor2
- Called to order at 23:59 by MEMBER.
- The meeting was adjourned at 23:59 by MEMBER.
- Minutes taken and submitted by MEMBER.