Space VPN

From Hack Manhattan Wiki

For members that would like to access the vpnpi on the pi attached to the wall above the kitchen, please follow these instructions (work in progress). To access vpnpi, you will need to create a .ovpn on the Harbor in Rack Manhattan.

Or otherwise you must be on the DDWRT wifi at HM to be able to do the following from remote at:

Key Creation

To create a new .ovpn (OpenVPN) profile, you'll need to follow these steps:

Install OpenVPN software: Ensure you have OpenVPN installed on your computer. If you haven't installed it yet, download and install the appropriate version for your operating system from the OpenVPN website (

Generate necessary certificates and keys: To create a new .ovpn profile, you'll need the following certificates and keys:

  • CA Certificate (ca.crt)
  • Client Certificate (client.crt)
  • Client Private Key (client.key)

If you don't have these files yet, you can either generate them yourself or obtain them from your VPN provider (ourself).

1. Create a new text file: Open a text editor (e.g., Notepad on Windows, TextEdit on macOS, or any other plain text editor).

2. Add OpenVPN configuration directives: The .ovpn file should contain OpenVPN configuration directives to set up the connection. Below is a basic example of a .ovpn profile:

dev tun
proto udp
remote your_vpn_server_ip 1194
resolv-retry infinite
ca ca.crt
cert client.crt
key client.key
verb 3

3. Replace your_vpn_server_ip with the actual IP address or domain name of the VPN server. Also, make sure to adjust other settings based on your VPN provider's recommendations (refer to Luna for this).

4. Add certificate and key data: Copy and paste the content of the following files into the respective sections of the .ovpn file: Copy the content of ca.crt and place it between <ca> and </ca> tags in the .ovpn file. Copy the content of client.crt and place it between <cert> and </cert> tags in the .ovpn file. Copy the content of client.key and place it between <key> and </key> tags in the .ovpn file. The file should now contain the necessary configurations and certificate/key data.

5. Save the file: Save the text file with the extension ".ovpn". For example, you could name it "your_vpn_profile.ovpn". Your .ovpn profile is now ready to be used with the OpenVPN client. You can import this profile into your OpenVPN client software and connect to your VPN server using the specified settings.

Please note that the exact steps may vary depending on your VPN provider and the version of OpenVPN you are using. Always refer to your provider's documentation for specific instructions if available.

note: this is a WIP - this was chatgpt generated for now until a more standardized key creation script is figured out by Luna, Shway, Xander or whoever else doing things on rack manhattan.

What is OpenVPN

OpenVPN is an open source connection protocol that uses encryption and authentication to create a secure "tunnel" between the user and the server. You may have heard popular VPN providers use this kind of analogy when describing their service, and that's because many of them use OpenVPN to provide you with online security.

To provide you with such protection, OpenVPN uses two different transport layer protocols: UDP and TCP. UDP, or User Datagram Protocol, is often set as the default because it allows for faster connection speeds. TCP, or Transmission Control Protocol, can control transmitted data more adequately, but this leads to slower connection speeds.

On top of all this, OpenVPN is open source, meaning that anyone can view the code, and that any bugs can be identified and fixed quickly by the OpenVPN community if the developers don't see to it first. OpenVPN is the technology used by many of the top VPN providers you know of, such as SurfShark, PrivateVPN, and Express VPN. Such companies rely on OpenVPN to provide their customers with high levels of safety when surfing the web, so if you use any of these providers, you're actually using OpenVPN.

All in all, OpenVPN is a very solid and reliable option when it comes to protecting your data online.

--via MakeUseOf

Further References