Plex Server

From Hack Manhattan Wiki

Hack Manhattan Plex Server

A Plex server and library for Hack Manhattan members is being put together. Hardware includes a Synology DS1815+ 8-bay NAS and a Dell desktop acting as the server.

What's on the Server

The server will run Debian 12.9.0 with the Plex server software running. Member need to make a Plex account and give their email addresses to LambdaCalculus or bufobigbeef to be added to the Plex server for access to the libraries.

Adding to the server

A special (S)FTP service will be set up where people can upload stuff for the server, and it will be curated and moved to the libraries. In the event that a duplicate request is uploaded, it will only be accepted if of a better quality than what is currently on the server (e.g. a Blu-Ray rip at 1080p may be accepted for replacement of a DVD rip that's at 480p).

Of course, no porn will be accepted. Liabilities and all, ya know.

Admins of the server

Currently Robert "LambdaCalculus" and Hannah "bufobigbeef" are the server admins.

Other purposes

The server will also likely server zines and books within the Hack Manhattan WiFi. Details to follow.