
From Hack Manhattan Wiki

Robots fascinate me - I've always wanted to build one - and stuffed animals hold a special place in my heart. Somewhat simulaneously, I began learning electronics so I could create a robot someday, while knitting and crocheting amigurumi animals just because they're small and cute. The knitting was coming along nicely, but I couldn't figure out what type of robot I wanted to create, and hence my project languished.

When I began crocheting a stuffed robot recently based on Nelly Pailloux's book "Crobots," it occurred to me, What is the point of having a stuffed robot that doesn't do anything beside look cute? And a light went off in my head.

And here's my response - Furrbot, my first combination robot/stuffed animal. I finally came up with a robot design that spoke to me, while giving me the opportunity to prove to myself I could put together a simple circuit.

Furrbot is built in series, with two LED eyes and a 3-V motor that makes him sound like he's purring while vibrating softly to let you know he's awake. He runs off a . I installed an internal On?Off switch to make him operational, but to make him interactive I built and attached a fur sensor kit designed by Leah Buechley that allows the circuit to become complete only when the conductive thread in his fur makes contact. I skipped the resistor - the fur should put out enough to merit his 9-V battery. This means I can pet Furrbot and watch his reaction.

I got lots of good suggestions from HMers. Justin was kind enough to print me a battery holder and motor cover, while Dave used the 5% rule to tweat the cover piece. Konstantin helped me finish Fuzzbot yesterday - hurray! - and now I can begin the second.

and now have a Now I need a name for my impending collection. How does Mybots sound?