Makerbot Cupcake CNC

From Hack Manhattan Wiki

This mill is no longer present in the space.


Hardware Overview


  • Usable Build Area: 100mm Width x 100mm Depth x 130mm Height
  • X/Y Positioning Resolution: 0.085mm
  • Z Positioning Resolution: 3.125 microns
  • Maximum X/Y Feedrate: 5000mm/minute
  • Maximum Z Feedrate: 200mm/minute
  • Typical Z-layer height: 0.3725mm
  • Outside measurements: 350mm x 240mm x 450mm

Thing to Do

Things to Print

Print Log

Date Description Notes Person
12/01/2011 Hexagon Calibration Block First Successful Print! Steven Kreuzer
1/24/2012 20mm calibration box in white ABS DaveR
1/24/2012 20mm calibration box in green PLA (235 deg, blue tape) DaveR
1/24/2012 nickel calibration piece in green PLA (235 deg, blue tape) DaveR
1/24/2012 aerogarden pod in green PLA (235 deg, blue tape) DaveR
1/28/2012 RAMPS mount for Mendel in green PLA (235 deg, blue tape) DaveR
1/31/2012 Nook Color stand in green PLA (235 deg, blue tape) User:Guan
2/2/2012 Makergear hot end adapter in white ABS (220 deg) User:DrReeves
3/1/2012 Penny Opener in white ABS (220 deg) User:DrReeves
3/1/2012 Skull Winder in white ABS (220 deg) User:Justin
3/1/2012 Whistle in white ABS (220 deg) User:DrReeves
3/8/2012 Whistle in white ABS (220 deg) User:DrReeves
3/15/2012 Z crank in white ABS (220 deg) User:DrReeves
3/22/2012 Vadim's standoff in white ABS (220 deg) User:Vadim
3/22/2012 Coffee Table in white ABS (220 deg) User:DrReeves

Maintenance Log

Date Description Person
11/22/2011 Upgraded RepRap Motherboard and Extruder Board to v3.0 Steven Kreuzer
11/22/2011 Ribbon cables connecting the RepRap motherboard to the X and Y stepper driver boards were backwards Steven Kreuzer
11/26/2011 Tightened the belt on the Z ad Y axis Steven Kreuzer
11/26/2011 Fixed bolt and bearing on the front right Z axis rod Steven Kreuzer
11/26/2011 Repositioned back right bolt that holds extruder platform Steven Kreuzer
12/01/2011 Tightened X and Y axis belts and bolts Steven Kreuzer
01/22/2012 Tightened X and Y axis belts and bolts (particularly reduced noise in X axis). Tightened M3 nuts to prevent vibration of bolts

Added Z wobble arrestor ( to dampen wobble in front left Z rod.

DaveR and JoeS
01/24/2012 Decreased pots on X and Y axis stepper motors to decrease noise DaveR and Jim
03/08/2012 Tightened Y belt DaveR