Happy Happy Brew Time
Happy Happy Brew time Documents the beer that Hackmanhattan brews.
The keezer is: | |
Comments: | |
On tap: |
Fermentor Status
No type status
2 5 gal glass carboy empty
3 5 gal plastic bucket mead - ready for bottling
4 5 gal plastic bucket empty
5 6 gal glass carboy Cabernet Sauvingion
6 6 gal plastic bucket Junkyard Ale
7 1 gal glass jug empty
8 1 gal glass jug empty
9 1 gal glass jug empty
10 1 gal glass jug empty
11 1 gal glass jug empty
12 1 gal glass jug empty
The first Beer was a Belgian strong ale.{Stephen, add stuff here}
2) Ginger beer
Following recipe: [1]
Instead of crystal malt we used vienna malt and did a partial extract.
Also, In lieu of Brambling leaf hops we used Brambling cross.