Adafruit Orders
From Hack Manhattan Wiki
Please add your order item links to this list with your initials. Not all products have the discount. All orders must be > $250 and will be ordered when they reach that amount.
Pending Orders
April 2014
- $200 - Dina
- 5V 10A switching power supply - Diego - $25
- MaKey MaKey - Diego - $49.95 (this one depends on getting a discount, if not I'm not buying the Makey Makey)
April 2013
- Micro lipo charger - Guan
- 2x 1300 mAh battery - Guan $8.40
- 2x 150 mAh battery - Guan $6.26
- Peristaltic pump - Guan - $17.50
- Copper tape - Guan - $14
- EInk board - Robert - no discount @1, 10% @10
- Peltier cooler - Robert - no discount @1, 10% @10
- 2x ITO Coated PET Plastic - BenS ($7ea w/discount)
- 5x Waterproof DS18B20 Digital temperature sensor - Stephen L - $7
- Peristaltic pump - Stephen L - $17.50