Craft Manhattan

From Hack Manhattan Wiki

This is the documentation page for maintenance and upkeep of the Craft Manhattan Minecraft server(s). There are two papermc-based servers running on the Seaport in Rack Manhattan.

Current Configuration

Latest Branch

The latest branch runs the most updated(release) version of papermc. This is set to auto-update on reboot of the Seaport and is currently(01-08-2024) running vanilla 1.20.4.

Experimental Branch

This is a volatile branch of the server lagging one papermc release behind Latest. Currently(05-28-2023) it's running 4 worldgen datapacks on top of 1.19.4, all from Stardust Labs:

Maintenance & Management

There are two containers in the Seaport running both servers called papermc-latest & papermc-exp, they have access to logs and a server console in a drop down. Managing the internals of the servers requires going to the sidebar into "Navigator," an extension of cockpit

Resetting the world

Resetting the world while keeping configuration is complicated because datapacks live in the world that is being reset


  • Stop papermc-latest container with the dot-menu on the right
  • Navigate to /home/hm/papermc/latest/ (this is a symlink to the actual location)
  • Delete directories world, world_nether, and world_the_end


  • Stop papermc-exp container with the dot-menu on the right
  • Navigate to /home/hm/papermc/exp/ (this is also a symlink to the actual location)
  • Delete directories world_nether, and world_the_end not world
  • Navigate into world
  • Delete all directories except datapacks



Experimental Branch Datapacks